Kapit is one of those smalltowns located by the riverbank, typical of many river towns in Sarawak. If you're a fish-eating person, then Kapit would have some of the most sought-after freshwater fishes in the State. The fish dishes are not necessarily cheap, but once you've tasted

I like Kapit because it's notoriously small and compact; you can't find everything you need here but that's the absolute beauty of it. You do not want to find everything you need here. For that you go to Kuching City, or Kota Kinabalu, or Kuala Lumpur. Kapit is fast developing though, one of the development it has experienced in the last 4 years is the Kapit Waterfront, which further enhances Kapit as one of Rejang River's most frequently visited river towns.
A town like Kapit would not thrill a visitor looking for beautiful sights to photograph or document, or a traveler looking for nature walks or jungle trails and the likes. A town like Kapit would thrill a person like me, who constantly seeks the momentary solace for the soul, away from the, what shall I call it, hustle-and-bustle of urban life, in the hopes of bumping into clouds of inspiration to evoke the creative side in me, to write songs or poetry or anything along those lines. And all poets talk of unrequited love they say.
Kapit. A definite venue for solace of the soul.
(Photo of Kapit: Courtesy of rowlandom.wordpress.com)
Hi. I'd no idea that there's someone in Malaysia is doing such a great job on publishing the best of borneo !
I was born in Kuching Sarawak and I'm currently in Tawau Sabah now. I hope we can be affiliate somehow ?
Hi Jasmine, thx for the comments. Yeah sure let's get linked. I've been to Tawau a number of times in 2005, a simple town with fantastic seafood.
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